Easy Delicious Dessert Recipes

Homemade Samoas featuring cookies with caramel, coconut, and rich chocolate drizzles rest enticingly on a parchment-lined baking sheet.

Homemade Samoas Cookies

These Homemade Samoas Cookies have a gooey caramel top, smooth milk chocolate drizzle, flaky coconut and a crunchy cookie layer. This divine cookie is what everyone craves year-round but can normally only find in February. Until now. If you've ever bitten into a classic crunchy cookie with the flavors of coconut, chocolate, and caramel and wondered to yourself if you...
READ MORE > Homemade Samoas Cookies

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Cookie Dough and Oven Mitt is filled with easy, delicious desserts and baked goods that can be made right at home! If you're looking for fun, seasonal desserts or a decadent, over-the-top treat, we've got you covered there as well.

Desserts you can't live without!

A woman wearing a black shirt with purple hair.

Meet Miranda

Miranda is the owner of Cookie Dough and Oven Mitt and the author of the Easy Homemade Cookie Cookbook. She loves to focus on fun, seasonal dessert recipes. She's been featured on BuzzFeed, Red Book Magazine, Country Living, Parade, and others.

Blank Recipe Books

Who needs a blank recipe book to write in? I know it saves me hours of searching for that piece of scrap paper that I scribbled my new favorite recipe on last month. Each cover has a beautiful color design on it.

Favorite Christmas recipes captured in blank recipe books.
A red and black plaid background with the words "blank recipe books.
Printable Dandelion recipe vector | price $1.
A blank recipe card featuring pumpkins and leaves on a white background.